Early Reading and Phonics
At Hatfeild Primary School, we want to equip all our pupils with secure phonic knowledge that enables them to read and write successfully. Children will be able to apply their understanding of letters and sounds to decode a range of words which in turn, will allow them to read books that are closely matched to their phonic knowledge. When writing, children will be able to make phonetically plausible attempts at unfamiliar words, enabling them to write with an appropriate level of independence for their age. They will also be able to use their phonic knowledge to correctly apply a range of spelling rules to words.
At Hatfeild Primary School, we have overhauled the Phonics Scheme and introduced Read Write Inc. across Early Years and KS1. We have invested in brand new decodable books for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
In EYFS and KS1, a systematic and rigorous approach to phonics will be applied through the delivery of the Read, Write Inc. programme. Robust, half-termly assessments will be used to ensure that children are making at least expected progress and are placed in a group that is matched to their ability. Where children are not making expected progress, 1:1 tutoring sessions will be put in place to address this. Staff delivering Read, Write Inc. lessons will have access to quality training materials and attend regular coaching sessions to ensure that teaching is consistent across all groups and always to a high standard. Children will take home familiar and unfamiliar books that are closely matched to their phonic knowledge. When ready, children in KS1 will access the Jane Considine Spelling programme, which will allow them to revisit and apply their phonic knowledge in a range of spelling activities. In KS2, some children will continue to access RWI lessons. These children will continue to take home familiar and unfamiliar books that are closely matched to their phonic knowledge. Other children, in addition to their daily English lessons, will access the Fresh Start Programme. The Fresh Start programme is an intervention to support reading and spelling for children in UKS2 that need additional Phonics support. All children in KS2 will access the Jane Considine Spelling programme, which will allow them to revisit and apply their phonic knowledge in a range of spelling activities. Across school, all classrooms will display Speed Sound Charts that will be used as working walls and added to as necessary.
Children feel confident in using their phonic knowledge and the strategies that they have been taught to read words. This helps them to access a range of material and, in turn, fosters a love of reading. By taking home books that are closely matched to their phonic knowledge, children can celebrate reading success with their parents and carers, which will give them the confidence and motivation to read regularly. This will have a positive impact on the progress that they make. Children will be able to make phonetically plausible attempts at spelling words and therefore communicate their ideas in writing across a range of subjects and for a range of purposes both in and out of school. Based on their phonic knowledge, children can make good spelling choices and spell many words correctly.
In short, we aspire for our pupils to:
Read at an age-appropriate level with fluency, which enables them to access the broader curriculum.
Develop a life-long love of reading where they read widely and often, with fluency and comprehension.
Achieve well at EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assessment points
Have the required phonics skills to pass Year 1 phonic screening check on the first attempt
Please see our recent workshop slides below.
Read, Write, Inc. Resources.
Read Write, Inc. is taught in 3 sets.
Set 1 includes mostly single sounds and some digraphs (2 special friends)
Set 2 includes mostly digraphs (2 special friends)
Set 3 includes mostly alternative spellings and word endings.
For a pronunciation guide, please see the video below:
For guidance on how to blend sounds, please see the video below: